About Us
GUNPOST was created in October, 2014, originally as an alternative to Kijiji, after Kijiji disallowed gun sales on their classified ads site. Not too long after that, Facebook banned all private sales of firearms on their site, and immediately began to close down these buy and sell groups. It has been more apparent now than ever that law abiding gun owners in Canada need to have a website that is owned by someone who is a firearms enthusiast. Also there was a need for a site which is dedicated as a purpose-built site, which cannot be removed from outside sources like Kijiji, Facebook, or any other social media sites.
Since then, GUNPOST has constantly been evolving to keep going as the best-built classified ads website available. The mission is to bring back local face-to-face private sales, like there once was when people used to use classified ads in the local newspaper, thus creating stronger unification amongst the firearms, hunting and archery enthusiasts in Canada, at a local level, and across the nation. Also to enjoy the many other benefits of the face-to-face buy and sell approach.
GUNPOST was founded by Andre Perreault, humble self-employed renovator born and raised in Kitchener, Ontario. Who moved to Lethbridge, Alberta in 2015, with his wife and 5 children. He is passing the culture of firearms, archery and hunting onto his posterity. He also seeks to teach and pass these traditions on to all who express interest. He believes that sparking this passion about this industry in more newcomers is one, if not the most, effective way of protecting our freedoms to enjoy our way of life from those who seek to take it from us.
GUNPOST will continue to benefit our community by not only staying the #1 best-built, and easiest-to-use classified ads website. But also we hope to do what we can to pass on this tradition to newcomers, young and old, through participating in community events, use of social media networks, and everyday interactions with members of the public. Also we will continue to pass on whatever useful information and tips we have that may help shooters to make improvements to their equipment and techniques.
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