620.00 Weatherby 12 ga semi automatic Bridgewater Dec 26, 2024 - 3:53 PM Rhenb Weatherby SA-08 semi automatic 12 gauge, takes 2 3/4 and 3 in shells with 3 chokes, 4 extra spacers, choke/wrench case, choke wrench, light and heavy load pistons, removeable fiber optic front sight and owner’s manual.
750.00 Weatherby Cumberland County Dec 13, 2024 - 3:23 PM beaudry101 Weatherby Element waterfowler semi auto 12 gauge chambered in 3”, shot a box of shells at some skeet cleaned it and put it in the safe it’s mint. Comes with all the chokes, look the gun up on bass pro, save the tax and just buy this one.