Browning Auto 5, BERETTA Olimpia carrier ,Savage 3C, Anschutz youth, and other .22LR receivers

Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Miscellaneous

If your AUTO-5 Browning shotgun is dinged up or rusty just transplant all your parts onto this quite nice receiver. 

If you reblue the scroll engraving gets shallow so just do a swap. 

This Auto-5 receiver is standard weight made in 1929. It has some cut or chased engraving but has spots as from water drops staining into the blue and the tang is turning brown. The main reason to replace AUTO 5 receiver is damage from when the barrel is out and the person releases the bolt do the handle smashes into receiver. This one has no such damage.

There are various small parts still on the Browning receiver.

Send email for higher resolution photos.   $65.

A knowledge GunPost person informed me that the first from left is a Savage 3C receiver, single shot Savage rifle. Note rear side flat for sight, this is a factory feature.  Pinned barrel design not threaded.

Second from left is a very early Anshutz receiver, notice slot on top.

The next two are not identified. I’m hoping for a person to recognize them. At this time I will price them at $19

Price for Savage 3C is $18,  Anschutz $28, unidentified $18

BERETTA Olimpia carrier with hold open button, very nice $43 

Send email for higher resolution images . Post is $17 in flat rate box. La

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