Muzzle mizer

Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Muzzle Brakes & Flash Supp.

Selling / trading 

Vintage muzzle mizer compensator/ break

I Don’t know what thread patter  it is but I do know it’s not 1/2  x24 or 5/8 x 24. If you have  any info on this please reach out! 

asking $60 shipped 

open to offers 

de gp 

I am interested in receiving offers or trades for the following items:

  • Priority Items are Bulk quantities of AR-style parts and accessories**

Range gear:** Garmin Chrono, Peltor Comtac, Disco32

- **High-end plate carriers, chest rigs, battle belts:** Multi-cam, black camo, or FDE, in sizes small or medium

  • **Gear from reputable brands:** Spirirus, Crye Precision, Blue Force Gear, Esstac, HPG, Mystery Ranch, etc.

- **Level 3 or 4 Nij-certified plates:** Ceradyne, Milburn, Aratech, Ceramic Protection Corporation, Hesco, E.S.B.I. panels and outer shells

- **Laser training/dry fire systems:** Mantis

- **PVS-14 parts, accessories, used tubes, lenses mounts, etc.**

- **Optics:** New or vintage from Trijicon, Eotech, Aim Point 3000 or 5000, Comp M2, Elcan, Leupold, Schmidt and Bender, Doctor Red Dot, etc.

- **AR/Crypto parts and accessories:** Receivers, uppers, from Colt, Daniel Defence, Knights Armament, LaRue, Geissele, Bushmaster, ATRS, Raven, Crypto, etc.

-** reloading set up or components for .223, 300blk . 308, 

- **Bayonet M9**

- **Fixed or possibly folding knives:** Benchmade, Spyderco, Gerber, Kershaw, Ontario Knife, Esses, etc.

- **XCR-M parts and accessories**

- **BCL102 parts and accessories**

- **CZ Evo 3 parts and accessories**

- **S&W M&P 9mm RMR cut slide, parts, and accessories**

- **590A1 ghost ring 

- **870 parts:** Anything MCS, Pachmayr Vindicate pistol grip, short barrels, etc.

**Other Items:**

- **Accessories:** Name-brand lights, lasers (visible or infrared), optics mounts, risers, offsets, Surefire Warcomp/training suppressor, etc.

- **Clothing, gear accessories, and collectibles in CADPAT camouflage**

- **GWOT parts and accessories, gear, etc.**

- **Deactivated firearms**

- **High-end airsoft/Milsim gear**

- S&W M&P holsters**

- Local trade on ammunition:** 9mm, 5.56, 308, 300BLK, 450BM**

Please let me know if you have any offers or if you are interested in any of these items

Visits: 84

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