Remington 870 Parts for sale
- Category
- Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Stocks & Grips
Hi, I have some Remington 870 parts that I don't use any longer for sale. Some new and some used.
Prices are a s follow:
1 & 3 Remington stock with Super Cell Pad and forend are new ( Package Deal Only) $115 for both plus shipping.
2 Blackhawk Knoxx BreachersGrip new $100 plus shipping.
4 Wolff 870 magazine tube spring new model 65165 $20 plus shipping
5) Remington Model 870 Forend Tube Assembly 12 Ga., Post '85. Two of them, one new and one used. New is $100 and used is $70 plus shipping for each.
6) Remington 2 round magazine extension. This is used but in good condition. $90 plus shipping
I can meet up in Vaughan for pickup. For 1,2,5 and 6, I will give $10 off each item for pickup. Number 4 $5.00 off.
Shipping will be with UPS. Buyer pays shipping cost.