Cerrosafe Chamber Casting Alloy

Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Tools

Brand new 1lb Ingots of Cerrosafe Chamber casting Alloy. $50 Shipped anywhere in Canada. (price per pound) multiple available.

Cerrosafe Chamber Alloy (158-190) is the best known material from which to make a casting of the chamber and throat of a firearm to determine caliber or check the dimensions. It melts at a temperature just above M & M's, so all you need is a propane torch and a bullet casting ladle. It can also be used to make a cast of a dovetail slot or any other hard to measure area. Also, it is great for removing the front half of a case from the chamber, in the event of case head separation; and lots of folks cast a small portion of the barrel to determine bore diameter. For best results, measure the casting one hour after casting. Contains 42.5% Bismuth, 8.5% cadmium, 37.7% lead, 11.3% Tin.

Basic Instructions

Plug the bore immediately ahead of the throat of the chamber using a small cleaning patch.

Pour the alloy directly into the chamber until full and allow Melting Point to cool, it will turn a shiny silver color. As soon as it has cooled enough that it is no longer a liquid (and doesn't present a burn hazard), remove it from the chamber. Take care not to overfill the chamber as the alloy will then run into the locking lug area, making removal extremely difficult.

During the first 30 minutes of cooling cerrosafe shrinks. At the end of one hour it should be "exactly" chamber size.


Melts between 158 and 190 degrees Fahrenheit

Should be melted in a clean iron ladle without direct flame on the product.

The chamber being cast should be cleaned thoroughly and a thin coat of oil or graphite applied.


Contraction expansion factor versus time, measured in inch per inch compared to cold mold dimensions. Test Bar x 10 (Below measurements are x/10,000ths of an inch. ex: 0.0025" is 25/10,000ths of an inch)

2 minutes - .0004"

6 minutes - .0007"

30 minutes - .0009"

1 hour + .0000"

2 hours + .0016"

5 hours + .0018"

7 hours + .0019"

10 hours + .0019"

24 hours + .0022"

96 hours + .0025"

200 hours + .0025"

500 hours + .0025"

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