Original U.S. Civil War Whitney Navy 2nd Model Revolver .36 Caliber Matching Serial Number 15741G with Original Holster

Firearms Handguns
No PAL Required
Whitney Arms Co
36 cal. muzzle loader
Navy 2nd Model
Right Handed or Ambidextrous

The Whitney Navy is a 6-shot, .36 caliber, single action percussion revolver that was manufactured from the late 1850s through the early 1860s. The revolver went into production after Colt’s patent on his revolver mechanism expired in 1857.

This gun retains strong traces of original finish. The metal of the gun is almost entirely smooth throughout, with nice holster wear to the right side of the muzzle (meaning it was used).

The loading lever retains about 80%+ of its original case coloring with a clear serial number stamping. The gun appears to be 100% complete and correct in every way and bears strong markings throughout. The serial number 15741 G is clearly stamped on the bottom of the barrel and on the loading lever in tow positions. The serial number is also stamped on the rear of the cylinder and inside both of the grip panels.

The top of the octagon barrel is clearly stamped:



The action of the revolver is mechanically excellent and the gun times, indexes and locks-up exactly as it should. All of the original nipples are present, and are in good, usable condition. The original brass-post front site is in place at the end of the barrel and is in fine condition as well.

The bore is in very good condition. It retains fine, crisp rifling. The bore does show some lightly scattered pitting along its entire length. The barrel bears inspectors marks B on either side of the breach.

The original arbor pin retention thumbscrew is in place and operates. The hammer retains some case coloring. The small brass trigger guard (correct for this model) has a pleasing dull mustard patina. The two-piece oil finished walnut grips are present; the left is in very good condition while the right was cracked and glued with a small replacement splice, both grip panels retain serial number 15741 G stamped to the inside surface.

Also, included is a period leather holster, of which this revolver has been contained for a long time, the holster is perfectly molded to the Whitney and old embossed designs are still present.

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