Antique status Alex Henry Sealing Rifle 450 BPE ( 45-120 ) "Schofield"

Firearms Rifles
No PAL Required
Very Good
450 BPE
Right Handed or Ambidextrous

Rifle is in excellent condition   with good bore ! 

This rifle Was marketed/Assembled By "Schofield" who made rifles using Henrys actions and barrel.

The Alexander Henry single shot 450BPE Is A Rifle that was in competition with Martini ta get the new Military Contract in 1871  .

 Unfortunately the action needed 2 movement to load (cocking then levering )  Also cost was much more For the Henry .     He lost the contract to Martini . 

He lost out To martini .. But They liked his rifling Design So they went with Alexanders (Henry)s Rifling .. Hence the Name Martini (Henry)      .

Out of all the Henry 450 BPE single-shots ever made they's are the rarest .

This rifle was from P.E.I  and was used in the sealing industry back in the 1880s 

Still has a good strong bore and action .  Has Henry riffling 

""Sealing rifles were third quality .450 3 ¼” Black Powder Express single shot rifles designed for one purpose, killing seals. Euphemistically termed “seal fishing”, whalers in the off season set off from Dundee and Peterhead to the sealing grounds of Greenland where the seals were slaughtered in their thousands for their oil and blubber. In “seal fishing” they were all shot with Henry .450 sealing rifles and due to the harsh environment of the whaling ship and the inhospitable area, they were just simply regarded as tools. Each rifle would fire thousands of rounds, be covered in salt water, most likely never cleaned and were probably scrap after a couple of seasons. Time and time again in the Henry records, the same Captains appear buying scores of new sealing rifles to replace the old ones for a new voyage.

This explains why this vast quantity of sealing rifles appears to have disappeared; they were worn out due to the enormous number of cartridges fired, they suffered from the effects of the salt environment and the majority were simply discarded after a very short life.

comes with full reloading kit and 40 brass worth about 500$ 

full story at :


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