PVS-7 Night Vision Goggles Binoculars Very good Condition !.. New Price $ !..

Optics Binoculars/Monoculars

PVS-7 Night Vision Goggles  in very good condition  with Green Gen 2+ Tube Mid 2000 Technology with still of 80 to 90 % clarity easy !...   for give a idea I take a Picture of a Bed cover in a total darkness but it's  not easy of to obtain the perfect vision reality justice !

The physical and working condition are perfect with no crack or other damage !..

The big advantage of this model is of to use just One Image intensifier tube for two Eyes and it's very easy  to replace , clean or Upgrade with a bether advanced Gen 3+  or Gen 4 Phosphor 3 volt Dc technology tube in 30 Sec or 1 Min max. it's also the best Night Vision goggles for many reason and because it's very light

Please no question on the quality  it's not a chinese Gimmick for sure 100 % warranty !

it's for the night vision goggles only with a rubber eyes pieces spare set include and I could probably to ship  inside a new rigid safe case also

The shipping cost $  is included with insurance for anywhere to Canada

Welcome  to the Night mission Paintball user.... :) or Electronics curious Geek ...  :)

But very important for serious and honest buyer only  !  Low baller or other same kind to could be ignored !

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