Omega 2 Rangefinder and Camera - Omega Sights

Optics Rifle Scopes

Selling two used optics which are both an Omega 2 Rangefinder and Camera. I got these optics as a gift from a buddy of mine. He told me he bought them brand new from Tenda last year. He had them on a couple of his air rifles. He only used them for target shooting paper targets and pop cans in his hunt camp. He never liked them because according to him they were too big and the batteries were not re-chargeable. I put new Energizer Lithium batteries in them, however, I've never used them besides just testing them out at home. I don't need them as I have enough optics already. These seem to be best suited for crossbows, however, according to Omega Sights they're marketed to work on any rifle or shotgun as well. They have a built in rangefinder, are 2x-6x in power and they record video. They also each come with a 32GB SD card. They can also be powered by an external power source like a portable power bank. I can sell each one individually or both combined. What you see in the photos is what you're getting. I can provide more specific photos if needed.

If you want more details about these optics, please see the link from Canadian Tire below:

I'm asking $200 or best offer for each. Pick up is preferred but I'm willing to ship this item if the buyer agrees to pay for the shipping. I will only accept cash or e-transfer but  I will also take ammo/firearms in exchange depending on the firearm/calibre. Feel free to message, email or text, however, please don't call as I will most likely not pick up.

My email is [email protected]. Please check out my other ads too. Thanks.

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