270 Win Reloading Stuff for Sale
- Category
- Reloading Dies
- Bullet Diameter
- .27 cal.
I just sold my 270 Win and now have the reloading supplies I had for it for sale as set out below:
RCBS FL 2 die set - good used - $ 30.00
Swift A- Frame 140 gr - 2 X 50 - $ 110.00/50 Swift Scirocco II 130 gr - 2 X 100 - $ 135.00/100
Hornady SST 130 gr - $ 70.00/100
Nosler BT Hunting 130 gr 2X50 - $old
Brass - new - Starline $ 100/100 Winchester 2X50 $ 50/50
Once+Fired: 2 bags of 100 + , 1 mostly Remington and the other mostly Hornady some will be deprimed some not $ 50/bag.
Prices are for Calgary pick up. Ship at buyers risk and cost. No Trades.
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