Dillon XL 650
- Category
- Reloading Presses
An awesome 5-station progressive loader, You will need dies and caliber conversion kit to make this machine load.
Capable of loading 500 to 800 rounds per hour. Lifetime "No-B.S." Warranty.
Case feeder to automatically insert cases 1 large rifle case plate 1 large pistol case plate (will work for small pistol)
2 Quick change tool-head with powder measure and stand, large and small powder bars, small bar throws from 2.1 to 15 grains of powder, large bar throws from 15 to 55 grains of powder.
Prime system with large and small priming parts, one early primer warning system.
2 large and 2 small primer pick-up tube.
1 loaded cartridge bin.
Please text or call Lindsey @ 902-830-5593