Wanted: Pistol Training

Services Firearms Training

Looking for an experienced firearms trainer with a valid RPAL and verifiable credentials to teach a beginner. Skillset should be verifiable through certifications, training credentials, or videos demonstrating their proficiency.

I have had my RPAL for 7+ years, and also possess a CSSA membership. I've owned my pistol for 4 years, but I am not as proficient with it as I would like to be. Main areas of teaching would be how to draw, correct stance, as well as target acquisition.

Valid RPAL check required. You do not have to be a firearms instructor, but someone with experience and as mentioned above, verifiable credentials. 

-Trainer should have access to a licensed range. I'm willing to drive anywhere in southwestern Ontario (as far East as Toronto), so long as it's to a registered range. 
-I will cover cost of the ammo for the session as well as the daily range fee.
-I only have one pistol, so if you would like to shoot on your own for demonstration purposes, etc - BYOP
-Looking to start in early April as the highway conditions often suck this time of year. 

Please know that I am genuinely curious as to how to be a better shooter, so I'd prefer someone who wants to train someone else correctly, rather than someone looking to make some cash. Rates can be per hour or per afternoon/range visit.

Message for further questions, thank you for taking the time to consider!

Visits: 29

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