450.06 Baikal IJ-26E (DB) 12 Gauge North Shore Feb 27, 2025 - 4:20 AM Glockblock I will be uploading a detailed description soon. I am just a collector not a super expert and do not know every detail about every gun. BUT I DO KNOW ENOUGH ABOUT THE LAW TO KNOW WHAT IS AN ANTIQUE. No I won't sell you a gun without a PAL.
130.00 Baikal 20ga Kelowna Jan 10, 2025 - 10:13 AM wyvernetraining Baikal 18M 20ga single shot looks like full fixed choke. Marked 3” but previous owner only used 2.75” in it. Fore end felt pad shimmed , some minor marks on fore end. Bluing very good. Bore shiny no pitting.