Benchmade Bugout S90V Highly Customized - Shipping on Me

Blades Knives & Tools

Bought brand new in July 2024 as a Custom 217 Bugout from Blades Canada. It started life with thin G10 scales and blue barrel spacers / thumbstud.. as you can see, that has drastically changed lol

Mod list:

- Flytanium Titanium Crossfade Scales (in Celebratory Confetti)

- Flytanium Screw Sets (Blue, Teal, Purple... was aiming to match the screws to the scale colours)

- Flytanium Blue + Magenta Axis Bars (Again.. to match the colours on the scales)

- Flytanium Black Titanium Blue Tritium Thumb Stud + Matching Backspacer

- Atlantic Knives Tri-Colour Titanium Pocket Clip

- 1 set + 1 spring of Etsy strengthened springs.. OEM springs did not last long lol

A quick search of each of these plus the base knife will add up to over 700 dollars.

Honestly this knife is the smoothest Benchmade I have ever had. Pair it with some knife pivot lube and it'll really last a lifetime. The blade steel takes some patience to sharpen, but it holds an edge forever lol

Only reason for selling is I do not use this knife enough, and have a few antique gun projects on the go lol

As the title says, shipping on me! Will knock down for local sale

Feel free to contact me anytime via text/email for fastest response:

[email protected]





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