M1 Garand stocks and handguard
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- Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Stocks & Grips
More pictures are available just added a few general ones. These are for 30-06 rifles. Prices plus shipping. Sold as-is, I try my best to describe them but it's also very old wood.
Left: USGI stock set: has RA-P rebuild marking. handguards have all the metal pieces but the stock is missing all metal bits minus the long stock screw. Main stock is crack free, upper handguard appears to have had a small crack glued, and The front handguard has a very tiny crack just beginning at the end but it's nothing major. $250
Middle: Aftermarket stock set with USGI handguards. A beautiful stock set. All metal hardware is present, drop in your rifle and go. Handguards are in great condition. Main stock is aftermarket but very nice, will likely require some final fitting. Colours are very close to matching as well. $300
Sporterized stock: a pretty nice Sporterized stock. No cracks. Someone put a lot of time into sanding the pistol grip and the whole stock overall. Has rubber but pad and both sling swivels but the front one is very stiff: $40
USGI upper handguard: SOLD