A++ member, bought a bunch of things from him at once including a shotgun. All was perfectly described. Quick clear comms, punctual ftf meet, no complaints. Deal with confidence.
Got a great deal on ammo. I even got there a little early and he was easy going about it. Had a good talk in the cold snow about getting our next deer in the fall. Honest fellow. Would deal with him again.
I can say with confidence he is a trustworthy guy who deals honestly and seeks to help out fellow members of the community. Communicates more than enough to help create a smooth transaction. Had a great experience meeting with him and had a nice chat in which I realized he has exceptional knowledge dealing and helping the out this niche hobby culture we enjoy.
Quick and easy comms and in-person transaction 👍
Great guy to buy from.
A++ member, bought a bunch of things from him at once including a shotgun. All was perfectly described. Quick clear comms, punctual ftf meet, no complaints. Deal with confidence.
Got a great deal on ammo. I even got there a little early and he was easy going about it. Had a good talk in the cold snow about getting our next deer in the fall. Honest fellow. Would deal with him again.
Amazing guy to deal with ! A+++
Honest accurate description. Fast response. Great guy to work with.
Extremely fair prices, knowledge and accommodating
I can say with confidence he is a trustworthy guy who deals honestly and seeks to help out fellow members of the community. Communicates more than enough to help create a smooth transaction. Had a great experience meeting with him and had a nice chat in which I realized he has exceptional knowledge dealing and helping the out this niche hobby culture we enjoy.