This gentleman, is hands down, the very best person I have ever dealt with face to face - anytime, anywhere. I swear he is my long lost brother, and I love the guy like he is! So kind, a strong family man, a passionate gunowner. Thank you for the great conversation on the phone and in person. Mariusz is very friendly, professional, and polite. Punctual on meeting, reliable and all around wonderful and fantastic person. A real credit to our firearms community and I highly recommend and endorse him as a buyer. Thank you so much for a smooth, exceptionally superb deal, my friend. Would not hesitate to do business again. God bless.
This gentleman, is hands down, the very best person I have ever dealt with face to face - anytime, anywhere. I swear he is my long lost brother, and I love the guy like he is! So kind, a strong family man, a passionate gunowner. Thank you for the great conversation on the phone and in person. Mariusz is very friendly, professional, and polite. Punctual on meeting, reliable and all around wonderful and fantastic person. A real credit to our firearms community and I highly recommend and endorse him as a buyer. Thank you so much for a smooth, exceptionally superb deal, my friend. Would not hesitate to do business again. God bless.