.300 win mag brass: LAPUA, Peterson, and “generic”

Reloading Bullets & Brass
Bullet Diameter
.30 cal. / 7.62 mm

25 pieces of VIRGIN LAPUA brass, primed with fed215 - has some sharpie marker on it, as I was going to load it up, but has never been fired 

14 pieces of ONCE FIRED LAPUA brass, some primed some not   Certain they’ve only seen one firing, I bought these new and used once.  

32 pieces of ONCE TO TWICE FIRED Peterson brass.  My own experience shows Peterson to be at least as tough if not even tougher than LAPUA brass.  A Little less capacity.  Anyways, some of these have been once fired, some twice.  All but one are primed   

3 pieces of Peterson VIRGIN brass, primed  

9 pieces federal nickel plated UNFIRED from factory ammo pulled down.  Primed.  


5 virgin Remington nickel plated and  2 virgin ppu brass.  


8 pieces of ONCE FIRED remington nickel plated guaranteed only fired once, most reprimed   

33 pieces of assorted brass fired anywhere from one to three times, ppu, Winchester, Remington….

Total 131 pieces of brass, most of which are primed, 74 of which are premium LAPUA and Peterson.  And 44 of which are virgin unfired brass.  

150 bucks takes the works 

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