T81 stripper clip guide and loader, StripperClipper

Shooting & Range Gear Miscellaneous

Finally, you have ability to use your sks stripper clips with your type 81 magazines. Designed from scratch to fit t81 platform, first on the market, the guide is perfect to save your thumbs and make on the range reloads faster. Slides on top of the magazine and you can have a loaded mag ready to go in seconds. 

Second tool is the stripper clip filler, continuing on the idea of time saving, this will allow you to drop in 1-10 rounds in the tool and slide the empty clip over them, making it ready to go without the fumbling and long round per round feeding. I have successfully loaded hundreds of rounds into stripper clips while watching youtube, without hurt fingers or wasted time. 

Stripper loading tool is in pla, stripper/magazine guide in asa so you can leave it outside and not worry about sun or water damage. Asa will also withstand significant abuse on range and in your range bag. Package of guide and loader is selling for $40, $25 for the additional magazine guide and $15 for additional stripper clip loader. Shipping anywhere in Canada in Canada post expedited prepaid box with insurance for 20$.


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