IN STOCK BorealRush VZ61 Telescopic stock package Shipped
- Category
- Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Miscellaneous
I guess this is the (MOM: "We have) MPX at home."
You will recieve One of each:
- BorealRush customed MPX-style telescopic Stock(Aluminum, steel and nylon)
- BorealRush stock adaptor excusively for customed Stock
- BorealRush VZ61 H-Safety lever to accompany the telescopic Stock (Stronger than factory one garenteed)
- BorealRush High-profile charging handle
- $10 off on BorealRush VZ61 K-optic Mount
4 packages avaliabe.
Shipping included
Check out my VZ61 Optic Mount and other ads to combine shipping and save!
Enjoy, and cheers!
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