Improved CTR/MOE cheek riser set

Firearm Components, Accessories, & Tools Stocks & Grips

Sold in set of 4 risers of any height (0.25”, 0.5”, 0.75”, 1”) for 38+10 for shipping

This is a cheek riser set designed for CTR/MOE stocks, it is made in such a way that will allow you to collapse your stock completely without the interference you get on regular magpul risers, and at slightly extended stock position AR style charging handles will clear. In addition this has two holes on each side for you to put gutted 550 cord as a handle for removal. All CTR/MOE risers are very difficult to remove in comparison.

You may request a mix of any of the available risers (x2 0.25” x2 0.5”) for instance. 

Regular Magpul risers typically go for 25-28 dollars plus taxes and shipping, my package will save you some money and allow you to try out different configurations of risers. 

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