Antique Smoker 38RF * Slight Project
- Category
- Firearms Handguns
- Classification
- No PAL Required
- Action
- Revolver
- Condition
- Good
- Manufacturer
- Iver Johnson
- Caliber
- 38 RF
- Model
- Smoker
- Capacity
- 5
- Hand
- Right Handed or Ambidextrous
Antique Status. No pal required, comes with rcmp paperwork. Has half & full cocked. 38 rimfire. Iver johnson. Strong main spring. 3 chambers lockup excellent. 2 lock up good with slight play as the notches are a bit irregular shaped. Shootable condition, not a paperweight. * Nothing missing, ALL PARTS Present.
$595 shipped. No Offers. Good candidate for a blued cylinder, 2 toned.
Does NOT index. Had it apart. Nothing looks broken to me. Has a hand & handspring Which have been removed because the cylinder stop doesn't drop enough to allow the cylinder to rotate.
Best guess is the trigger spring is weak and doesnt push on the stop enough & since the cyl stop (bolt) has been welded back up to allow it to lockup, it now does NOT index. Stop needs refit or a spring replaced, example: Trigger spring or cyl stop spring. The arm on the cylinder stop looks great.
Some retard buffed the cyl stop flat. It didnt lockup at all 8 hrs ago. I built it back up into a hill shape the way its supposed to look.
These perfect retail $900-1100. 38 caliber not a 32 rimfire. I paid over $400 & wasted time fixing it (90-120 min). Dont expect it for free. You can shoot it safely now at least.