A+++ Seller. The items I received were exactly as advertised and pretty much brand new with 0 signs of wear. The price was fair and they even generously met me in -35c weather, helped me load them up, shook hands and we were on our way!
Would do business with him again in a heartbeat. Very much recommend him. Cheers!
Great seller. Fast with good communication. Goods as promised. Highly recommended. Would buy from him again.
Way over priced ammo $25 a box it can be found for $17 other places…
A+++ Seller. The items I received were exactly as advertised and pretty much brand new with 0 signs of wear. The price was fair and they even generously met me in -35c weather, helped me load them up, shook hands and we were on our way!
Would do business with him again in a heartbeat. Very much recommend him. Cheers!
Excellent buyer, easy transaction, showed up and paid cash! Highly recommended! Thanks again!