Tom and I just did our first deal, and they don't get any better than this guy. Tom even threw in a couple extras, We had our deal made within minutes just the way you like it. No bullshit here, Tom is a stand-up straight to the point kind of guy. Deal with confidence. Thanks Tom see you soon.
Prompt and clear communications. Very flexible on arranging a meeting. these days of attempted gouging on powder pricing, he was selling at a reasonable price. Would definitely deal with him again. A+ Gunpost contributor.
Shotgun hulls well packaged and very promptly mailed out at a reasonable shipping cost. A pleasure doing business with you, and would be happy to do again down the road.
Honest seller guy held to the agreement we had when I'm sure he had others contacting him about the items. Thanks for the brass sir! Would deal with again thank you sir! (Local sale for reference)
Amazing person to deal with !
Thank you
Excellent to deal with! Detailed and responsive communications throughout the transaction. Quick payment. Would not hesitate to deal with again.
Just a heads up with this fella Tom.. He normally has me paid before we before we get off the phone. A pleasure to talk to and always more than fair.
Excellent gunpost member. Deal with confidence. 10/10 every time. 👍
Paid quickly as promised. Would not hesitate to sell to again. Very satisfactory transaction.
Great communication, fast payment, excellent transaction in every way. A++
Smooth transaction. Nice guy to deal with. Great communication. Would do business with him again! Highly recommended!!!
Excellent buyer! Clear and friendly communication, fast payment, would happily deal with this member again! A++
It was a pleasure to deal with you. Hope we meet again. I would be happy to work with you again.
Friendly communication, fast payment. A+++
Exc. comms., as described. Will deal with again. Thank you.
Great transaction. Deal with confidence.
Awesome communications, correctly described...look forward to the next time...A+++++
Standup guy. Great to deal with A+
Great transaction, excellent product, Nicest casings I have ever received! fast delivery, will purchase again, thanks
Flawless transaction ! Quick payment and friendly communication.
AAA +++ fast payment, good communication, deal with confidence
No fooling around here, Tom and I just completed another deal. Excellent gun post member. Deal with confidence.
Thanks Tom. 👍
Face-to-face smooth transaction, would deal with again , AAA.
Tom and I just did our first deal, and they don't get any better than this guy. Tom even threw in a couple extras, We had our deal made within minutes just the way you like it. No bullshit here, Tom is a stand-up straight to the point kind of guy. Deal with confidence. Thanks Tom see you soon.
Very accommodating gentleman, pleasure to deal with.
Great seller. Super communication. Easy to transact with and appreciative of the business. Highly recommended!!! 20/10 Thanks
Tom and I had a very pleasant face-to-face deal today. Deal with confidence with this gentleman.
Excellent to deal with. Very polite. A true gentleman.
Good guy to deal with.
Professional, great to deal with.
All good great communication and recommended to others.
Prompt and clear communications. Very flexible on arranging a meeting. these days of attempted gouging on powder pricing, he was selling at a reasonable price. Would definitely deal with him again. A+ Gunpost contributor.
Shotgun hulls well packaged and very promptly mailed out at a reasonable shipping cost. A pleasure doing business with you, and would be happy to do again down the road.
Good guy to deal with. Very clear communication
Honest seller guy held to the agreement we had when I'm sure he had others contacting him about the items. Thanks for the brass sir! Would deal with again thank you sir! (Local sale for reference)