Various .308 Match Bullets

Reloading Bullets & Brass
Bullet Diameter
.30 cal. / 7.62 mm


I have alot of .30 cal bullets.   Need to make some room for some other calibres I'm dabbling in.  I have everything from 155gr smk's to 245gr Bergers and alot in between!  If you don't see something here that you're after it might not hurt to ask if there is something specific you're looking for.  I just might have some to spare - especially if it's a Berger hybrid or tactical otm.  

I'd like to clear some of my excess.  Looking to get what I paid.  I can ship. 

-1x 500ct SMK 155gr match  HPBT: sold

-3x 100ct 200gr Berger hybrid: $95/box

-15+x 100ct Berger 208gr LR hybrids: $95/box

-3x 50ct SMK 230gr HPBT: $55/box

-3x 50ct SMK 240gr HPBT: $70/box

-5x 100ct Hornady A-tip 250gr: Sold

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